Welcome To OilyApp!
We are SO glad you are here and are honored to share with you what OilyApp is, the resources we have to offer, and the community you can be a part of!
At its heart, OilyApp is a mobile app that provides you with amazing digital resources to further your knowledge of Young Living products & lifestyle. We exist to share the heart, passion and knowledge of Gary Young’s love for medical freedom and his pioneering spirit that sought to overcome all odds so that one day essential oils and essential oil infused products could be in every home in the world.
Because of that vision, we have expanded around the app to include a podcast, some really cool swag, and a membership lounge where some AMAZING things are happening. We also help lead up two online summits – YL Summit & Medical Freedom Summit – and more!
- The only essential oil app approved by Young Living
- AWESOME digital courses = Dr. Jim Bob Haggerton & others
- Beautiful books FULL of great EO, body systems & lifestyle knowledge
- Super cool swag
- Online members lounge for community, special videos and more
- Virtual and in-person events for #teamYL & Medical Freedom
From a 20,000 foot view, OilyApp provides educational resources – both digital and physical – to help you grow in your knowledge of all Young Living products and live a natural lifestyle of health and wellness. We also provide knowledge on body systems, function and specific and overall wellness for those body systems so you are enabled to intentionally and usefully apply Young Living products to each of the systems of your body – and to the important areas of your life like exercise and fitness, personal and family, work and fun!

OilyApp - The Mobile App
It all started with a desire to develop an app that highlighted Young Living’s Premium Starter Kits – their products and uses. One idea led to another and now we have an incredible mobile app that is officially approved by Young Living as a phenomenal teaching resource. But it offers so much more!
- The only essential oil app approved Young Living
- One-time purchase of only $5.99
- A desk reference, right on your phone
- Uses & information for every YL oil, supplement & oil-infused product
- 60 second videos by Dr. Jim Bob Haggerton on every product
- In-stock & out-of-stock notifications of all YL products
- Personal Inventory to manage your YL inventory
- Business Resources to help you take your YL business to the next level
- Exclusive video content with Young Living To You (YL2U)
- Monthly giveaway to our users