About Us

Why OilyApp?
To put it simply, because it is needed! Back in 2015, as members of the Young Living community ourselves, we all loved to use our reference books, but it was not always convenient to tote around a big book. We initially decided to develop an app for our downline, but decided it would be better to create an app that would help all Young Living essential oil distributors. There is no mention of any one team on OilyApp. It’s designed to be a tool for EVERY Young Living Essential Oils Distributor.
Developed by Essential Oil Distributors
OilyApp was conceived and built by Young Living essential oil distributors just like you. Ernie Yarbrough (RCD) and Brad Murray (Jen Murray – Gold) saw a need in their downlines for mobile tools to help share Young Living products. As they built OilyApp, they also realized they could make it a central location for learning the business as well. As the app has been developed over the years, it became clear that multiple resources and people were needed that could communicate clearly and regularly with OilyApp users to enrich their experience – so we reached out to others in the Young Living community to contribute to OilyApp resources. Since then our team has expanded to include many others who contribute to content, development, and design of the app.
OilyApp is Approved by Young Living!
The OilyApp team has collaborated with Young Living’s legal, compliance, and technology teams to ensure that everything in our app is approved and accurate. As we release regular updates, you can be assured that it has already passed through Young Living for approval. As a subscriber, you can utilize this same language in your other promotional materials. To find out more about OilyApp and the OilyApp Plus upgrade, just follow the links and visit those pages.