Danny is known as the RHINOlution guy…
… a guy who says,
“You can be a cow or a RHINO. Cows wait to get slaughtered, but RHINOs, with their 2-inch thick skin push through and get things done- no excuses.”
That kind of verbiage might make you think he’s a hard guy, but he’s just the opposite… he’s a gentle giant with a heart of, as the saying goes, pure gold.
Danny’s story is a classic tale of “rags to riches.” Yet, at the same time, it’s so much more.
In this talk, Danny opens up about his past…
- About growing up in a house with drug addicts and being raided (regularly) by the local SWAT team…
- About finding his dream job (fire fighter) then getting fired after getting injured- right before he reached certification….
- About living with PTSD from childhood AND from the things he saw on the job…
He also talks candidly about meeting Echo and getting her pregnant the second night they met. She thought she couldn’t have children; he thought he was invincible. The Lord gave them a “miracle child,” though, that caused them stop pause, look at their lives, and hit a reset button….
This revelation reminded me of a quote I read Brennan Manning’s book Abba’s Child. He quotes Saint Augustine as stating that in the economy of God, all things work together for our good. All things (Romans 8:28f.). Even our past sins.
I’ve seen it firsthand. He takes every crooked path and makes the way straight. He takes every piece of grit and forms it into gold. He takes the broken pieces of our lives and morphs them into His best. Such is the nature of grace.
Danny and Echo almost lost their house (and the car- they were two months behind on both) when Young Living came into the picture…
Echo ordered a PSK in order to deal with some emotional issues.
At that moment, things began to look up.
An accidental business grew, money began to flow in, and they got ANOTHER picture of the possibilities for the future.
In this talk we also chat about Danny and Echo’s 300-plus days of sobriety. They weren’t alcoholics, but they decided- about a year ago- that beer and wine don’t benefit their lives in anyway, so they became “No Wino Rhinos.”
I love Danny’s approach…
He and Echo have reached a (huge) level of success. Yet they’re still growing, still moving forward… still seeing what they can do to be the best versions of themselves…
The Apostle Paul tells us in 2 Corinthian 3:18f. that we’re all being transformed from one degree of glory to another… that we progressively walk into the best version of ourselves. That is, we’re enough. We’re whole. And, at the same time, there are better and bigger things for us to enjoy…
Links for this show-
For videos from great leaders like this and others, go to OilyApp+ online- https://oilyapp.com/p/plus
Listening options for the show can be found at https://oilyapp.com/blog
RHINOlution website- https://therhinolution.com
The book Danny referenced, Rhinoceros Success (by Scott Alexander)- https://amzn.to/2RrREDZ (hardback) and https://amzn.to/2RvqAnA (Kindle)