Brian understands that your platform may change, but your gifts and calling never go away (Romans 11:29)…
A few years ago he worked at a church. It became apparent that he and the leaders in the other leaders in the church were on TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PAGES. There was no bad blood. In fact, several of those elders who didn’t want him leading the church offered to hire him to work and run large departments in their companies…
Amanda, Brian’s wife, thought it would be a good time to focus on their YL biz. He agreed to let her do it, as he had a few months of severance set aside.
Now, a few things you need to know…
First, they had 15 kids. Most of them adopted. In other words, money was already tight.
Second, they weren’t high-ranking builders. In fact, Amanda hit Silver DURING this transition, AFTER Brian transitioned…
Third, the heart for ministry never went away EVEN IF they platform did…
Brian says that the Advance in Kansas City (3.0) was pivotal. That was one of the first times he connected with their Upline, it was one of the first exposures he had to a broader audience of men in the biz, AND he saw ministry in a new platform.
Brian locked arms with some men, blogged, prayed, set some groups in motion, and continued doing his thing…
… and he did it without having to focus on running a church and doing the grind and grit of an organization.
In our talk, we noticed that this meant the things that once constrained him were finally gone. Whereas 20% of his efforts were able to go into the things he was good at before, now he could spend more time on the stuff that mattered the most.
Here’s the graphic we use to illustrate this at Advance-
In other words, sometimes when transition happens we need to ask the question, WHAT DOES THIS NOW MAKE POSSIBLE? instead of stepping back and merely bemoaning the question WHY?
Brian’s core message is identity and purpose… to help people move beyond their discontent and move into a place of mission… to close the GAP between what currently IS and what SHOULD be…
He empowers people to drive deep and discover their roots, in order to live a life that matters.
During our talk, he brought up an incredible point. We often talk about limitations- the things that hold us back. Sometimes it’s time. Or money. Or we lack relationships (or we’re stuck in bad ones). Or it’s our health. And, yes, it could be something else…
When those limits are gone, when the blockers are removed… suddenly, we have new opportunities AND obligations to be the people we’re designed to be.
Listen in. This is good stuff!
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Young Living’s Income Disclosure Statement- (mentioned for compliance reasons, b/c we discuss $$$)
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