This week the OilyApp crew spent several days at Young Living’s headquarters- the new building- in Salt Lake. The changes and growth and conversations provided us with the perfect opportunity to create a lot of content to bring to you- in OilyApp+ (, as well as a few book projects we’ve started.
One of the greatest blessings of the Young Living journey has not only been the financial freedom that years of hard work has helped created, but knowing that those blessings can sustain you through tough seasons.
A few months ago, before JB came onboard as one of our partners, he spoke to some of the OilyApp community, explaining why you should take advantage of the opportunity sitting before you- the biz opportunity you have with Young Living.
In this talk, he walks through his story- a tale full of tough seasons, lots of lows, and moments of (he gets real) total breakdown.
Listen in. It’s real, it’s raw, and you’ll be able to relate.