OA+ 62- New tool(s) to serve veterans (& others)… emotional health

In this Memorial Day week talk I step back and ramble about emotional health for a few moments. I discuss a project for Veterans (two documentaries- one on PTSD and the other on Moral Injury), as well as a new book and a series of groups we’re launching (Warrior Hope). 

I had planned in my calendar to have this talk anyway, this week…

Then, due to a fun turn of events, Dr. Jim Bob ad I shot an entire video course on the Freedom Sleep & Freedom Release Kits from Young Living (www.OilyApp.com/Freedom). Though we’d originally planned to release a different course on June 1- and already had it ready to go- we moved the Claim Your Freedom book / course combo to the beginning of the month and punted The Guys’ Guide course / video release (www.OilyApp.com/Guys) to July 1.

I’ll talk a bit about why and. how and point you to some great resources in this talk. 

Ride along with me. Solo on this one. Lots of great info in this unscripted ramble.




Invisible Scars (PTSD documentary- stream free or request a DVD at https://warriorsonmission.org/#1 

Honoring the Code (Moral Injury documentary)- also at https://warriorsonmission.org/#1 

 Warrior Hope- the book- https://amzn.to/2KuJmZS 

Healthy Hustle- the book- https://amzn.to/2DIGrX2 (Was also the featured course in OilyApp+ for the month of March https://oilyapp.com/store/SjR5wePu 

 Emotional Wholeness Checklist- the book- https://amzn.to/2WXlMY5 (Was also the featured course in OilyApp+ for the month of February- https://oilyapp.com/store/UzCceq2C)

Emotional Wholeness Checklist- recorded talk (video)-https://www.jenkins.tv/blog/checklist 

Claim Your Freedom (online course with Andy & Dr. Jim Bob) www.OilyApp.com/Freedom 




Listening options…

 Apple Podcasts – https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/oilyapp/id1444920044 

 Google Play- https://playmusic.app.goo.gl/?ibi=com.google.PlayMusic&isi=691797987&ius=googleplaymusic&apn=com.google.android.music&link=https://play.google.com/music/m/Iacmd6o7meafxy2refbwtu5iqjy?t%3DOilyApp%252B%26pcampaignid%3DMKT-na-all-co-pr-mu-pod-16 

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