What are essential oils & how do I use them? (Essential Oils 101 #1)

In this episode of the OilyApp podcast we start our Essential Oils 101 teaching…

We begin by outlining, first of all, what essential oils are…

Essential oils are the life source of the plant = volatile substance derived from plants, containing the natural smell, characteristics and chemical compounds of the plant.

Essential oils are concentrated, and they’re usually extracted through steam distillation, cold-pressing and resin tapping.

Essential oils are potent, volatile, & versatile. They have therapeutic qualities which can encourage, equip, and empower your health!

After defining essential oils, we mention and define a few helpful terms— things you need to know as you begin this journey.

#1- Singles come from one plant.

#2- Blends come from multiple plants. Some oils work incredibly well together. So, Young Living “blends” them before you receive them. It removes the guess work, while making it super simple to use them.

#3- Vitality oils are certified and approved by the FDA for human consumption. Vitality Oils, a trademarked name by Young Living, have white labels w/ the same color trim as their non-Vitality counterparts.

#4- Oil infused products- Oils can be used to cook, to clean… for your pets… in soaps+ shampoos… in just about every room in your home. Oil-infused products come in all shapes + sizes- for every facet of your healthy lifestyle.

Finally, we discuss three ways you can use the oils…

#1- Touch- The first of three ways you can use essential oils is super simple: rub them on your skin and let them do their thing.
Your skin is the largest organ in your body. And, it’s full of holes, tiny pores which let sweat and toxins out and simultaneously allow other things in.

(Tip– Dilution for kids and pets- see the charts on www.OilyApp.com/Kids and www.OilyApp.com/Pets.)

#2- Smell- The second way you can use essential oils is to breathe them. Your skin is your largest organ, but your sense of smell is the strongest sense. It’s tied to the limbic system, where memories and feelings are stored.

#3- Taste- The third way you can use essential oils is to ingest them. Now, two (brief, subtle, not intended to freak you out) words of caution before we discuss this third way to use the oils. I’ll defy James Bond’s wisdom to “never say never” on the first. And, I’ll give you a definitive on the second.

Tip– Never use a second-rate oil that you snagged from a bookstore, a big box retailer, or any place that specializes in anything except essential oils.

Tip– Always use Vitality oils when you ingest. These oils are easy to spot as they’re always dressed in white and trimmed with the same color as their “regular” oil counterparts.

General safety concerns- think simple: red light, yellow light, green light. More on that at www.OilyApp.com/Kids  and www.OilyApp.com/Pets, also.



For the full video course, go to www.OilyApp.com/101 

Order our “101” book from Amazon at https://amzn.to/2MeSqTA  or on Kindle at https://amzn.to/2EAdtdc

Or, purchase it on our site: www.OilyApp.com/books  — bulk options available.

The 21 Day Challenge we mention throughout the podcast = www.OilyApp.com/ThinkInsideTheBox 

Don’t have OilyApp yet? iOS go to http://apple.co/2t8STwK  , Android go to http://bit.ly/2tRTFvj .

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